© The Budleigh and District central coordinating web site. A non profit making service to the area.
Budleigh District
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Salterton Drama Club
East Budleigh in Bloom
Budleigh Lions
British Legion
Otter Valley Association
The Boyhood home of Sir Walter Raleigh
Lions Beach Fair
Otterton Village Hall Flower Show.
Otterton Fete
Anne Widecombe's visit to Seachange
Lions Ukraine Relief Collection
Cranford Sports Centre Body Combat
Cranford Sports Memory Cafe
10th Anniversary of Otterton Shop
Belinda Lee Plaque
National Croquet Tournament
Summer Croquet Tournament
Budleigh Carnival
Budleigh Gala Week
Gala Fun Run
Soap Box Derby
War Memorial
Late Night Shopping in Budleigh
Salvation Army Concert
Lions Carnival Club